Housework columncleaning
vol.19( 2016/02/12 published)

Pollen season is coming soon! Let's start taking action early。

Daily cleaning is the basis of hay fever countermeasures。 Because it is a presence that is hard to see, I can not be aware and it is a difficult cleaning、 If you take good measures, you can keep your room comfortable and comfortable.。 This time、I would like to show you an effective cleaning method to remove pollen。

Pollen season that comes with the arrival of spring。

People who fully defend with a large mask as soon as possible in the city and in the office
I see people struggling with sneezing and runny noses.。
When it comes to pollen measures、Medicines on masks、Food and drinks such as tea and supplements
I think it comes to mind.、Surprisingly unknown for its effect is "cleaning"。
Pollen doesn't just fly outside.。
Adhesion to clothes, laundry and futons、Pollen entered by opening and closing the entrance and ventilation、
I sit indoors and continue to suffer people with hay fever ...。

The most effective for cleaning pollen、How to moisten and remove。

Stay dry、If you try to remove it with a flap or vacuum cleaner,、
Not only can I not get it because I let you soar、
There is a risk that it worsens the symptoms by making it easier to inhale。

First of all、The floor where most of the pollen in the room is attached、
Wipe off with a wet rag or a mop with a wet sheet.。
Immediately after returning home, etc.、Pollen is soaring after walking around the room、
It is an iron rule to aim at the timing of falling on the floor。
The corridors and windows that continue from the entrance、Because it is a point with a lot of amount in particular、
I recommend that you focus on it.。

Next, sofas and futons are easy to adhere。

After coming home、Sitting in clothes with pollen attached、I left a little laundry..
It is a place where pollen has a lot of opportunities to touch something.。
1Once a day、With a well-squeezed wet towel or adhesive cleaner
Let's make a habit of wiping off the surface。
Be careful because pollen is hidden in the filter of the air conditioner which is easy to overlook。
Depending on the type of pollen、Early from February、until August with a late one、
Because it scatters when heating and cooling are used。
At least once a month、Let's try to wash with water.。

The last thing I want to introduce is、Ingenuity not to put pollen in the room。

The easiest is、When you come home、Adhesive cleaners and
It's a way to get rid of it with a clothes brush.。
Because it is a has that is considerably effective only by this、
Please try to keep in mind with the care and cleaning thoroughly!。

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