Housework columncleaning
vol.33( Released on Sep 14, 2017)

Why was Respect for the Aged Day established?

habitually、おじいちゃんやおばあちゃんと連絡を取り合っていますか? 遠方に住んでいるのでなかなか会えなかったり、Are you busy with your daily life and don't communicate much?。 At the very least, I would like to spend Respect for the Aged Day together.。

habitually、Do you keep in touch with your grandpa or grandma?
Because I live far away, it is difficult to meet、Are you busy with your daily life and don't communicate much?。
At the very least, I would like to spend Respect for the Aged Day together.。

The mayor of Nomatani Village, Taka District, Hyogo Prefecture, said, "Cherish the elderly,、Let's borrow the wisdom of the elderly to build a village" and spread throughout the country with the suggestion that September 15 be "Toshinoha's Day"、Later, in 1966, it became "Respect for the Aged Day" as a national holiday.。

Previously, Respect for the Aged Day was on September 15.、2001By law to allow public holidays to come on Mondays by the "Happy Monday System" enacted in the year、9It was set as the third Monday of the month.。

There are two theories as to why September 15 was designated as "Respect for the Aged Day" in the first place.、
1The one is、A theory that it originated from the day when Prince Shotoku built "Saitada-in" for the elderly and the physically handicapped。2The one is、Theories that it originated from the day when Emperor Motomasa was blessed with happiness at Yoro Waterfall in Gifu Prefecture。That's what、It is a leading theory.。

"Respect for the Aged Day" to honor the elderly、I don't have the physical strength to express my gratitude on a daily basis.、Places where scaffolding is unstable or places where cleaning has not been delivered even if you want to, etc.、Why don't you buy a house cleaner instead of grandpa or grandma and go out?

Therefore, we wiped away stubborn dirt and dust with UYEKI's popular orange oil multi-purpose cleanser "Super Orange Strong"、Let's ♪ finish the whole house shiny and let grandpa and grandma spend a pleasant time

And one more thing、UYEKI's recommendation、"Medicinal bath salts Hyakuyakuyu"。Warms the body from the inside and prevents hot water from cooling、It will also make the skin of the elderly who tend to dry out smoother!

I would be happy if this conveyed my daily gratitude.。

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